スキャンが↑で見られます(一番右の写真。クリックすると拡大します)。〜Anastasiaさんからの情報です。Thanks!(情報源はharrylatino.com) [posted at JST 21:25/8/4/2005 ポッターマニア 無断転載禁止]NEW!
●10月末にファンレターをローリングさんに出したところ、11/20に返事が届きました。手紙は↑で紹介されているのと同じでした。Dear Harukaと書いてあったので嬉しかったです。〜ハルカさんからの情報です。Thanks!
[posted at JST 11/22/2004]
(手紙の和訳) ※Q&Aの和訳はこちらのFAQなどで読めます
現在6巻"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"を懸命に執筆している最中で、これまで以上に書くことを楽しんでいます。この本が面白い本になれば良いけれど。(同時に)ハリポタ・シリーズの終わりに近づいていることを痛感しています。最後の2巻は、1冊の本を2分割したような物語で、だから6巻に起こることの多くは7巻に関係しています。6巻やハリー・ポッターについての情報を知りたければ、www.jkrowling.comを見てくださいね。
[posted at JST 10/19/2004]
Thank you very much for your letter.
As you might know, earlier this year I gave birth to a baby boy, David, who is currently taking up most of my time and energy (odd how a person who occupies so little space can do that).I have started the sixth book (the title is still undecided), but I must admit I am writing quite slowly at the moment. I feel oddly as though I have been transported back in time - it is just like writing ‘Philosopher's Stone’, when my daughter Jessica was very young, except that these days I also have thousands of letters to answer!
If the wait seems too long you can always re-read‘Order of the Phoenix’ and search it for clues about what's going to happen next (there are a few!)
Thank you again for writing, I do love knowing what my readers think, and I hope to get a little bit more sleep soon, so I can devote slightly more time to Harry Potter and. . . whatever the next one is called!
With best wishes
J K Rowling
〜たびすけさんからの情報です、どうも有難うございました![11/19/2003 ポッターマニア 無断転載禁止]NEW!
●たこやきさんが再度ローリングさんにファンレターを出した所(宛先はBloomsbury)、9/2頃に以下のような お返事が届きました!
Thank you for your forwarded to this office requesting J K Rowling's autograph/photograph.
As can imagine J K Rowling is receiving numerous requests of this nature and I am afraid she is very, very sorry she is unable to sign individual autographs. At the moment her priorities are her newborn son and family, writing the Harry Potter books demands on on her at this time.
Yours sincerely,
Fiddy Henderson
P A to J K Rowling
●るーぴーさんが3月頃に出版社宛にファンレターを送った所(国際返信用切手、返信用封筒を同封)、7/8に返事が届いたそうです。お手紙と一緒にローリングさんへのQ&Aが入っていました。印刷だったそうです。手紙には、「Dear,○○(私の名前) お手紙を有難うございました!知っての通り、「不死鳥の騎士団」が英語で出版されました。「炎のゴブレット」よりも長く、壮大な話になっています…(中略)3月に息子が生まれ、2ヶ月休暇を取りましたが、すでに6巻を執筆中です。…(略) With best wishes,
Thank you very much indeed for your letter, I love hearing from readers!
As you might know,the fifth Harry Potter book("Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix")has now been published in the English language. It is a very long one - even bigger than Goblet of Fire - though I really don't think I've rambled. It's just that as we reach the later books, there are lots of questions to be answered along with all the new developments. Hopefully you will understand if you read the book.
My son was born in March so I have taken a couple of months off from writing seriously, but I have already started book six(the title is not finalised yet) and am enjoying it a lot. It will feel odd to be writing with a baby alongside me again, as I did for a lot of Philosopher's Stone!
With very best wishes,
J K Rowling
Thank you very much indeed for your letter, I love hearing from readers!
As you might know , I have now finished the fifth Harry Potter book (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.) It is a very long one - even bigger than Goblet of Fire - though I really don't think I've rambled. It's just that as we reach the later books, there are lots of questions to be answered along with all the new developments. Hopefully you will understand if you read the book.
I have just had a baby boy called David and I will be taking a couple of months off from writing seriously, but I have already started book six(the title is not finalised yet) and am enjoying it a lot. It will feel odd to be writing with a baby alongside me again, as I did for a lot of Philosopher's Stone!
With very best wishes,
J K Rowling
4.Are there going to be more Harry Potter books?
There will be seven Harry books in total, one for each of his years at Hogwarts.In the final book, he will come of age (witzards do this at seventeen), so he will finally be allowed to use magic outside school.
5.Where do you get your ideas?
I wish I knew where ideas came from, because I would go and live there. It is mystery to me where it all comes from, but I'm quite pleased I don't know; it might spoil the fun if I did.
6.Where do you get the names?
I collect unusual names; I have got them from maps (Snape and Dursley), saints (Hedwig) and war memorials (Lockhart). Some of the names in the book mean something - Dumbledore is an old English word for bumble bee, and I gave it to Dumbledore because I imagine him humming to himself a lot. I also invent names; Malfoy, Flitwick and Quidditch are all made up.
7.What advice would you give to young writers?
When writing I think a good starting point is what yow know - for instance, your own feelings, or subjects you know a lot about. The most important thing is to READ as much as you can. This will teach you to recoginise good writing, and by analysing what you like best, you can find out how to improve your own writing.
●こちらのMugglenetさんで、RONRONさんがもらった↓の手紙と同じものの写真が見られます!(Mugglenetさんのトップページはこちら) 〜かずさんからの情報です。Thanks【2/28/2003】
●RONRONさんは、2002年10月中旬に出したところ、2月12日にお返事が来たそうです。手紙の内容は以下のようなものでした。手紙の文章はタイプされたもので、サインは印刷、ふくろうのイラスト描かれた黄色っぽい紙に書かれていたそうです。〜RONRONさんからの情報です。Thanks! 既に6巻目の執筆に入っているのですね!!驚きです!【2/13/2003】
Thank you very much indeed for your letter,I love hearing from readers!
As you might know,I have now finished the fifth Harry Potter book. It is a very long one -even bigger than "Goblet of fire"-though I really do'nt think I've rambled. It's just that as we reach the later books, there are lots of questions to be answered along with all the new developments. Hopefully you will understand if you read the book.
I am expecting a baby shortly so I expect I will be taking a couple of months off from writing seriously, but I have already started book six (the title is not finalised yet), and am enjoying it a lot.It will feel odd to be writing with a baby alongside me again,as I did for a lot of 'Philosopher's Stone'!
With very best wishes,
J K Rowling
Thank you for your letter addressed to J K Rowling forwarded to this office and apologies for the delay in responding.
I am afraid that due to an extremely hectic schedule and fighting to find writing time Ms Rowling is very, very sorry she is unable to answer your letter personally or comment on specific topics and questions at this time.
I am sorry for this disappointing response but hope you will understand that many demands on her at this time.All letters received are much appreciated so once again thank you for writing and for your drawing and for being such a fan of Harry Potter's.
Yours sincerely,
Fiddy Henderson
P A to J.K.Rowling
Dear (みつさんの本名),
I have been very busy indeed over the last few months and now I am at long last finding some time to write the fifth harry book.
As yet I have no idea when it will be finished.
I am delighted you have enjoyed reading the harry books.
I had the usual huge amount of fun writhing "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire".
It has, I think, the scariest ending so far...
I am very sorry I am unable to answer individual question or send out autogrephs at the moment as I am trying to limit time spent away from my writhing desk.
Thank you very much in deed for being such a fan of harry's , and thank you for writhing.
It's letters like yours that make my day.
Yours sincerely,
※iharrypotterにローリングさんからのForm Letterが公開されています(5/20/2002postの記事)。彼女にファンレターを出すと、これと同じ手紙が返事として届くようですね。【5/22/2002】
(Form Letterの日本語訳)
※ファンレター情報は、送付先の住所(例えばLeavesden Studiosなど)も教えて頂けると他の方の参考になり、有難いです。